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Ajuntament de Barcelona (Barcelona Town Hall)

ANEN (Asociación Española de Empresas Náuticas) (Spanish Association of Nautical Companies)

Associació Catalana de Ports Esportius i Turístics (Catalan Association of Sports and Tourist Ports)

Associació Catalana d'Escoles Nàutiques (Catalan Association of Sailing Schools)

Associació d'Indústries, Comerç i Serveis Nàutics (Association of Nautical Industries, Commerce and Services)

Barcelona World Race

Clúster Marítimo Español (Spanish Maritime Cluster)

Col·legi Oficial d'Agents de Duanes de Barcelona (Barcelona Official College of Customs Agents)

European Network of Maritime Clusters

European Commission - Maritime Affairs

International Maritime Organization

Federación Española de Puertos Turísticos y Deportivos (Spanish Federation of Tourist and Sports Ports)

Fòrum Marítim Català (Catalan Maritme Forum)

Generalitat - Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació i Medi Natural - D.G. de Pesca i Afers Marítims (Catalan Government – Department of Agriculture, Farming, Fishing, Food and the Environment – Fishing and Maritime Affairs)

Generalitat - Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat (Catalan Government – Department of Territory and Sustainability)

International Council of Marine Industry Associations

Marine Industries Association of Palm Beach County

Port de Barcelona (Port of Barcelona)

Ports de la Generalitat (Ports of the Catalan Government)

Puertos del Estado (State Ports)

Port 2000

Saló Nàutic Internacional de Barcelona (International Barcelona Boat Show)

Salvamento Marítimo (Spanhis Maritime Safety Agency)

Turisme de Barcelona (Tourism of Barcelona)

The Worldwide Network of Port Cities

Marina Mercante Española (Spain Merchant Navy)



Two projects with benefits for the marine ecosystem win the second edition of B-Blue program

The Barcelona City Council, through Barcelona Activa, in collaboration with Costa Cruceros and the Port of Barcelona, has awarded two projects in the second edition of B-Blue.



In the ever-changing world of maritime equipment, sustainability is the name of the game. Solé, a respected name in boat engines and marine generators with over a century of experience,…[+]


The Barcelona Clúster Nàutic participates one more year in the Saló Nàutic with an eye to the America's Cup.

The 61st edition of the Saló Nàutic was held this year between 11 and 15 October at the Port Vell organized by the Fira de Barcelona, a partner of the…[+]

Barcelona Clúster Nàutic


Barcelona Clúster Nàutic

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